LinkedIn is the largest B2B social network, and one that is used by millions of professionals worldwide.
I wanted to give you a brief overview of various LinkedIn statistics from 2016.
LinkedIn has more than 467 million users
57% of all LinkedIn traffic is mobile
More than 1 million people use LinkedIn’s publishing platform, sharing over 130,000 posts each week
71.5 % of LinkedIn users are located outside the U.S.
56% of LinkedIn users are men and 44% are women
94% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn to distribute content
57% of companies have a LinkedIn Company Page
50% of B2B buyers use LinkedIn when making purchasing decisions
25 million LinkedIn profiles are viewed every day
You can increase your linkedIn views by 11 times by including a photo
13% of LinkedIn users don’t have a Facebook account
59% of Linkedin users don’t visit Twitter
A huge thank you to Global Media Insight, Viralwoot and Hootsuite for the statistics, and infographics.